Standing Meditation (Zhàn Zhuāng Gōng) — 站樁功

Zhan Zhuang
Calligraphy by Loren Chin

Silently Recite (Mò Niàn) 默唸

Chinese Pinyin and Pronunciation Internal Organ Breathing Direction
A (“ah”) Heart 心 Exhale 呼
Xi (“she”) Lungs 肺 Inhale 吸
Xu (“shoo”) Liver 肝 Exhale 呼
Chui (“chuay”) Kidneys 腎 Inhale 吸


  1. 頭頂百會上領: Suspend the crown, with the Bǎihuì acupressure point straight up
  2. 舌尖輕低上腭: Gently touch the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth
  3. 牙齒輕合: Gently close your bite
  4. 口微閉: Slightly close your mouth
  5. 用鼻自然呼吸: Do natural breathing, using your nose